Bahama Yellow 912
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YouTube Finds: A Labor of Love With The Bahama Yellow Porsche 912

When I was in college I had a bumper sticker that said “Life is too short to date ugly girls”. An unfiltered young A-hole joke, I know. But there is a certain truth behind it. Stay with me on this one until I explain the relevance with this week’s video. The idea I want to bring across is that life is too short to not do the things that fulfill you as a person. Also, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. That’s a fact. By the way, the bumper sticker was on a 1989 Hyundai Excel. Flat red paint due to lack of maintenance. The hood was spray painted red, to “match” the rest of the car. So, was the joke the sticker or the car rocking the sticker?

I have zero complains from that car, it was a four door that served me, and my friends, well. It took us to the beach plenty of times, during the one or two summers it lasted. The car died, the engine gave up on me. It was replaced by a ’96 Mazda Miata that I still miss. Rest in peace flat red.

The video I bring you today is from the official Porsche channel. In internet years, this video is “old” but the emotion that it conveys is still there, no matter how many times I watch it. A father and son story that revolves around the restoration of a Bahama Yellow Porsche 912.

The idea of owning something due to its price tag is an idea that probably crosses (almost) everyone’s mind. A dream or an aspiration to do or have something should not just stay at that. I do believe in hard work and dedication to produce changes and reach objectives. Another great point from this video is the shared experience. Experiences shared are two times better. Without getting too inspirational, I will leave you with this great video.


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