Test Drive: Omega Seamaster DIVER 300M With Stainless steel mesh bracelet.

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One challenging thing about these “Test Drives” (window shopping) is, relying on a first impression to decide the liking or disliking of a watch. Hence, my return to the Seamaster (SM). Having a product for a few days definitely can help discover more details, try it on with other combinations of straps, even find more things you might dislike. I come back today, to say that I am taking back some words I typed before, let me explain in the following paragraphs.

As previously mentioned, I am not new to the Omega SM. There is actually another Test Drive on here, with another iteration of this watch. When I tried that version, the No Time To Die (NTTD), I was not very fond of the bracelet. I actually liked it more on the NATO strap.

What made me come back to this line of watches? Well, I had the opportunity of experiencing the SM with the black dial, stainless steel. Nothing to write home about you might say, and I would actually agree. Nothing wrong with the SM, a really great watch to be honest, as a matter of fact, I actually want one.

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This is not a long term review by any means. I happened to be around an Omega boutique and one of the amazing guys there, let me check out his own SM. Now, the reason I had to write home is actually the bracelet.

The same bracelet I was not fond of on the NTTD, but in a shorter version, made me change my mind. I never thought a shorter length, would make such a huge difference on the wrist. The sales representative that let me try his watch, procured this bracelet for his own collection. This is not an combination you can get out of the box, as far as I am aware.

The bracelet is extremely flexible, and comfortable. Does it work like a regular strap or like a bracelet? Well, think of it as a deployment clasp, exactly like it. If you own an Omega SM, you should definitely be considering this bracelet. I am not trying to sell you on this bracelet, but I am. You need an Omega SM… with this bracelet. We all need a SM with this bracelet. I am glad we all agreed on this one.

Thank you for stopping by,


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