Luftgekuhlt Porsche 911s
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Luftgekuhlt: Porsche Madness in photos

You want to expose your senses to the uttermost air cooled Porsche sensory overload? Look no further, Lufgekuhlt is here. I have decided to, as well as having the photos in gallery, make them into posts. For the sake of being able to find things in an easier way. There is a differentiation to be made before we dive in. The same team, put up two events during the weekend. Luft 9, is air cooled ONLY. The second event, Air | Water, is for modern and old Porsches, not only air cooled (old). Now, the events are definitely related, but the organizers want to make sure that they are not considered the same.

Lufgekuhlt 9 was held in the SF Bay area on Saturday, April 9th 2023. The event was held on Mare Island, Vallejo, CA. A plethora of air cooled Porsches were parked at this old and retired shipyard. I am not crazy to say, we all agree that it is the perfect backdrop for the event. A lot of great guests were there, Rod Emory and the Emory Motorsports team, Larry Chen, Guntherwerks, to name a few known names part of the community. But overall the Porsche enthusiast and community is great on its own. Amazing event, which I am looking forward to the next one.

Without overextending the post, I hope you enjoy the photos. I have added both galleries here, Luft 9 and Air | Water. You can learn more about the event from the source itself HERE.

Luftgekuhlt 9


Air | Water


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