From Air-Cooled to Water-Cooled: The Evolution of Porsche Hits Costa Mesa

There ain’t no party like a Porsche party. This is the third event organized by the Luft crew that I attend. There are similarities but huge differences at the same time. I made the trek back to LA for Air | Water 2024 and was definitely not disappointed.

The Porsche community is great, for the most part. I don’t like generalizing and make you believe that there are no D-Bags out there. Not that I found any but not everything is rosy and sweet. Rennsport, Renwerks, same quality of people but different vibe. The vibe and locations that the Luft crew are putting together are different, and that is very appreciated. And I’m not talking about negative or positive vibes, but the context that the cars are put on.


The huge difference at this event were not the cars. There were some repeats from previous events. The biggest difference was the venue. I don’t want to be unfair to this event, there must be hours of work, searching and scheduling for this event to have happened. The venues give you the atmosphere and for a bunch of us, these events give us the experience to shoot our favorite cars in different locations, unusual locations. Again, not trying to be unfair but Mare island (Luft 9 and Air | Water ’23)has been by far my favorite location.

Some of the things you will notice in this series, compared to other car events I have shot, is the angles. This specific event was hard to shoot. I suffered a knee injury a couple of days before, and man it was rough. I like shooting low angles when it comes to cars… yeah, not doing it this time.

Another difference in this series, just like in the “Car Week ’23” galleries, there is a mix of film and digital photos. In this series we can compare film Kodak Gold 200 vs Digital photography.

Film photos

Shot with Kodak Gold 200. I tend to not edit too much if not needed, after received from scanning. In this case I followed that trend, to show the gold tones from the film.

Digital photos

These are some of the digital photos from the set. You can easily see the difference between the film and digital. You can always edit the digital photos to get close to film. But in my case, I like showing the difference.

You can enjoy the full gallery below.


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