SCCA SFR Final Results 2017!!!


The SCCA San Francisco Region end of the season results just came in, and guess what? My name was not there… hahaha.

Well, I can’t really ask for a lot being that this was my rookie season. Here are my “positives” and “negatives” from the season.

The positive

Well, I am just happy to be able to hang with the big names in my class, and being that it is my first year competing, I’m not even upset about it.

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Autocross has definitely been a challenge for me. The toughest part has been all the driving techniques, and reactions that you think you have but when you test them… you really don’t.

Any new activity that you first try, has a learning curve, like it or not. You may have a natural talent for it but it does not change the fact that you will not be the best from the beginning. Like Joel Embiid would say “Trust the process”.

I am definitely looking forward to next year, probably leaving the car as is and keep improving on the driver. The most i would probably do is one legal mod but the main focus would be a driver mod!

The negative

The only negatives that I see here is that now I am addicted to a new and expensive sport. This brings more expenses and the time I will likely dedicate to improve myself on it.

Well, congrats to all the winners, it was a memorable year. I enjoyed it soo much and I am so grateful with all the people I met at the events and that helped me improve on my driving.

If you want to check out the 2017 results you can go here.

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Thank you for stopping by,


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