SCCA Autocross, San Francisco Region, Round 14 2017

Hello again,

This post is my overview and results of the SCCA Autocross Round 14. I will share the results and also my videos of each run, except run 4 that for some reason I had issues with Race Render and was not able to record it.

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SCCA Autocross SF Region Round 14

Before we get to the results, I would like to that this was the last SCCA Autocross event of the season, at least for the San Francisco Region. This event also took place at the Marina Airport, close to Monterey. The events at the marina translate into smaller courses, which I have more practice with. The events at Crows Landing for example, are bigger, have more straights and are also event that I don’t have a lot of practice with.

Here is a little sketch I tend to do after walking the course, it helps me get familiar with the course.

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SCCA Autocross SFR course map


The Runs…

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SCCA SFR Autocross

Run 1

Clean and fun run. As I have previously mentioned before, I use this run to get familiar with the course. Some people might say that I take it too slow and they might be right. I will try to improve this upcoming season. I almost spun the car on the third turn, the turn right after the slalom. On the second turn, I went in too hot and made the car skip a little bit, you can tell by the vibration sound on the video.

Run 2

A way smoother run and a much better time. Now that I rewatch the video, I wonder if I could have made the last turn a little wider and not so tight, to keep more speed.

Run 3

This was the best time I had. My main concern is the slip I get as soon as I take off, I guess I am pressing the gas too much at the beginning and being FWD does not help. I made the tires “sing” the right amount on the first two corners. The slalom looked cleaner and faster. My eyes might be deceiving me but I even think I carried more speed on the last turn, I might be wrong.

Before I let you go, there is an interesting story that happened that morning. As you can see on the picture, and I know it is hard to see, one of the dune Buggies lost a wheel before the start. I have no idea how this happened. My theory is that the owner might have not torqued it properly or forgot to double check it.

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Dune Bug without a tire

The good part is that the car was not damaged and after the help of the participants, the tire was attached to the car again and he was given the chance to run. Moral of the story, always double check your tires if you change them before an event! And remember that torque wrenches save lives.

Again, any criticism you may have it is welcome, please leave your comments down below and I hope you had enjoyed this post. If you want to check out the results of this round, you can got here.


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